Nov 18, 2023

FOLLOW UP : The state & future of BaratusLive

In today's article, I will be following up on my previous article, where I will be taking time off of YouTube to recharge myself.

I also released a video on November 15, 2023, where I recapped what has happened this year and also provided what I basically said in the previous article.

Now I did more thinking and talked with a friend or two recently. I do believe it's best to stream less often, as I felt like I was pressuring myself to stream often. Now, I don't think this will be the end of BaratusLive as a whole, nor will it be the end of being a YouTuber either. Akage Megane will still be around as a mascot or brand, and hell, she could be featured on some videos narrating if so desired.

I do realize that I am more comfortable producing videos than I am with livestreaming because, in a livestream, you have to improvise often if technical difficulties arise. For example, I had to call off a stream early because I was dealing with savegame bugs in MageSlayer. But if it was a video I was making about MageSlayer, I could take the time to troubleshoot without feeling the pressure of losing viewers after spending 30 or more minutes trying to fix an old game from 1997.

So if you are reading, do expect more production on videos than livestreams going forward. Not only that, I will still work at my own pace to make sure the quality of the video is good. A bit off-topic, but I am also having to compress my game recordings through HEVC x265 and, based on comparison, the quality isn't too bad and I could tell a little difference; however, re-encoding all of the recordings does take a good amount of time, and by time, I mean hours, depending on the recording itself.

Anyway, that's about it for this article! Reminder that my last video for 2023 will be out on December 10th, 2023, at 10 a.m. CST. Peace out!